Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a health risk with petting farms?
All animals carry bacteria (good and bad) – including us! But there is no need to be overly concerned about any potential health risk as long as suitable precautions and hygiene rules are followed.
- Washing and/or sanitizing your hands after touching animals
- Keep food and drinks outside the animal corrals
- Keep your hands away from your mouth or nose when visitng the animals
We provide hand sanitizers and have signage reminding visitors to observe basic hygiene rules at all of our events, and if water is available for hand-washing, that is even better. As long as people take normal care, there is little risk of becoming ill from a visit to a petting farm.

What animals do you have?
I am always keeping an eye out for a fun additions to the farm. Currently, there are mini horses, mini donkeys, a mini cow, alpacas, mini chipmunk pigs, mini & pygmy goats, mini sheep, bunnies and bantam (little) chickens.

Do you have pony rides?
Yes! Please see details about our pony ride packages on our events page!

What kinds of payment methods do you accept?
We accept these forms of payment:
- Cash, Zelle
- MasterCard / Visa / American Express/ Discover

What happens if it rains?
Let us know if you need to reschedule by 7:00 a.m. on the event date.
- Arrange to provide shelter or have the farm indoors
- Reschedule for another date

Who cleans up after the event?
We run a very clean farm!
We pick-up after the animals during the event.
We have a final clean-up when we are packed and ready to go.
If we have the corrals on asphalt or a paved area, we used bedding material on tarps, which are rolled up and taken away with us.